Child-Focused Project with an ecological model
This project focuses on the well-being of the child as well as his family members, the entire community and the society at large.
We are currently soliciting for funds to positively change the lives of children for their growth, development and well-being. We want to do these through the following activities:
- Provide descent small shelters with solar energy for children with poor or no place to sleep. Here both the children and their family members would benefit. The local constructors would as well get employed and support their families.
- Support the families of the poor children with micro-finance to do income generating projects (animal farming, agriculture, carpentry, small retail shops, etc.) In this way, improved house-hold incomes could directly support the sustainability of the project without having to depend on the organisation.
- Provide bicycles to transport children that walk long distances to school.
- Provide school requirements for children; school fees, school uniform, books, pens and pencils, a warm lunch, etc. until they finish their education and training.
Examples of living conditions and where we want to help improving the situation by renovating or rebuilding houses.
- These are the homes of Joseph Michael Ahumuza who needs a descent house and education support.
- Or Stella Nyakaisiski and Teddy Ninsiima with their father who needs a good house, school fees paid and an income generating project to live.
- And Joseph Mujuni and Adolf Tumusiime with their mother require our support for a decent home.